Joanna Konstantopoulou

Registered Health Psychologist




Couples Therapy


Couples therapy is a special type of counselling where people who are in a relationship join sessions with a fully trained and qualified psychologist or psychotherapist. People who are experiencing problems with their relationship or are having trouble taking the next step may seek couples therapy to help them grow together and work out their problems.

If you would like to talk to Joanna for available treatment options then please get in touch with us by telephone at 020 8144 3041 or book online by clicking below.


Benefits of Couples Therapy

Talking Through Problems
One of the main focuses of this type of therapy is encouraging couples to talk through their problems. In many cases, couples may be aware that they have certain issues, but be afraid to put those issues into words for fear of hurting each other’s feelings. However, the psychologist who guides the therapy sessions teaches people how to express their feelings without assigning blame to the other person and making them feel bad. In many cases, one person in the relationship may believe that their partner is aware of how they are feeling, although this is not actually the case. By opening the lines of communication it is possible to start working through the issues so that the healing process can begin.

Receiving Professional Advice
Some couples may be dealing with very big issues that can be almost impossible to deal with alone such as if one person in the relationship has been unfaithful. At the Health Psychology Clinic, we are able to provide professional advice that can help couples to confront their problems and understand the steps that they need to take in order to finally get through the issues. As we are fully trained and experienced, we are likely to have dealt with all of the issues that couples are faced with many times before and can give important insights into how to work through problems and even help to uncover problems that couples may not even be aware that they have.

Becoming Intimate Again
Intimacy is a very important part of a relationship and helps people to bond and appreciate each other. However, if you have been together for a long time and lead busy lives, intimacy often tends to get pushed to the side-lines. Psychologists teach couples how to re-establish feelings of intimacy and trust so that they can reconnect in various different ways and learn how to express their adoration for each other.

It is worth noting that therapy can take from 8 to 16 sessions or more in order to be fully effective, especially if you are dealing with big issues. However, this is an important step for you and your partner who are determined to stay together and work out your difficulties. Even people who are in a healthy relationship can reap the benefits of couples therapy.

This is a safe environment where you may find it much easier to speak honestly and openly about your feelings than you usually would. Taking the time to talk to your partner about how you are feeling and what you think about different issues can help to prevent problems from arising and lead to a long and loving relationship.


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